CSE:CARM $0.015 

Hare Hill Pluton Project (REE)

The Hare Hill Pluton Rare Earth Project covering 1564 claims totaling 39,100 hectares in Central Newfoundland. The property is directly contiguous to the recent “Bottom Brook Acquisition” by York Harbour Metals Inc., the Hare Hill area is quickly becoming recognized for its rare earth potential. The project is also adjacent to Falcon Gold and Marvel Discovery’s Baie Verte Brompton Projects.

The Hare Hill granites are emplaced at the boundary between Fleur de Lys Supergroup gneiss and Humber Zone anorthosite. The Hare Hill granitic system is prospective for Rare-earth mineralization, as recently reported by York Harbour Metals whose grab rock samples returned total rare earth oxide grades (TREO) grades between 3.45% and 21.63% TREO.  Previously, Kirrin Resources Inc. reported drilling results that included 4.47% TREO over 5.64m core lengths and 1.16% TREO over 15.3m core lengths on the Bottom Brook project in February 2011.


All of Newfoundland’s recent gold production came from Anaconda Mining Inc.’s Point Rousse and Rambler Metals Mining Operations on the Baie Verte Peninsula. These two, now past producing mines, along with past producers such as the Terra Nova Mine, and deposits of the Rambler Mining Camp, are in close proximity to the Baie Verte Brompton Line (BVBL). There are more than 100 gold prospects and zones, many of which are orogenic-style, related to major splays and related second-order structures linked to the Baie Verte Brompton Line. Carmanah now controls 70km corridor along the BVBL.